KOMPAS.com — Selama lima
tahun terakhir ini, utang luar negeri Pemerintah Indonesia meningkat tajam.
Data Bank Indonesia tahun 2012 menyatakan, jika tahun 2006 total utang luar
negeri Indonesia sebesar 132,63 miliar dollar AS, pada 2011 utang luar negeri
Indonesia telah membengkak menjadi 221,60 miliar dollar AS.
Oleh sebab
itu, rakyat harus mewaspadai perkembangan utang luar negeri tersebut.
diungkapkan anggota Komisi XI DPR, Arief Budimanta, Minggu (20/5/2012) siang
ini, di Jakarta.
harus mewaspadai pertumbuhan utang luar negeri yang meningkat pesat lima tahun
terakhir ini. Pemerintah, mau tidak mau, harus melakukan transformasi kebijakan
utang dari yang hanya berbasiskan jasa keuangan atau utang untuk menutup
defisit atau utang untuk utang ke arah peningkatan produktivitas ekonomi riil
masyarakat di masa datang," tutur Arief.
anggota Fraksi PDI-P yang memimpin Megawati Institute itu, utang luar negeri
Indonesia tahun 2011 didominasi oleh utang luar negeri pemerintah dan bank
sentral yang berjumlah 119,56 miliar dollar AS, dibandingkan dengan utang
swasta yang berjumlah 102,04 miliar dollar AS.
jumlah utang Indonesia ternyata tidak menunjukkan korelasi signifikan terhadap
kualitas pertumbuhan ekonomi yang indikatornya ditunjukkan oleh perbaikan
kualitas pelayanan dasar kepada masyarakat," kata Arief.
mencontohkan infrastruktur energi dan transportasi, pendidikan, serta kesehatan
yang masih minim dan terbatas. "Posisi indeks pembangunan manusia
Indonesia masih lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan Thailand dan Malaysia. Begitu
juga dengan daya saing dan kemudahan melakukan usaha atau doing business, itu juga masih
lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan negara-negara tersebut," ungkapnya.
Sumber :
Indonesia is a very large country and has fertile soil and has a human resources very much. But why the foreign debt to be increased. increasing the real debt is used for what this country? Though the economic side of economic growth have increased every year. Moreover, recent years Indonesia country more seriously increase state revenues through taxation, all taxes levied by this state is not that producing countries could increase and reduce the foreign debt. If used for proof of education are still many children who are less fortunate can not enjoy a nine-year education program and facilities and the facilities are still lacking support. If used for the welfare of citizens from one year to the welfare of the citizens do not show the existence of an increased and even people who are less able ditidak be treated free of charge in accordance with government progaram about health and unemployment rates have also increased. Therefore the use of the proceeds of foreign debt is still questionable? How long will it be bound by a nation's foreign debt?
Indonesia is a very large country and has fertile soil and has a human resources very much. But why the foreign debt to be increased. increasing the real debt is used for what this country? Though the economic side of economic growth have increased every year. Moreover, recent years Indonesia country more seriously increase state revenues through taxation, all taxes levied by this state is not that producing countries could increase and reduce the foreign debt. If used for proof of education are still many children who are less fortunate can not enjoy a nine-year education program and facilities and the facilities are still lacking support. If used for the welfare of citizens from one year to the welfare of the citizens do not show the existence of an increased and even people who are less able ditidak be treated free of charge in accordance with government progaram about health and unemployment rates have also increased. Therefore the use of the proceeds of foreign debt is still questionable? How long will it be bound by a nation's foreign debt?
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