99 Persen Peserta UN SMA Lulus

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemdikbud) menyatakan angka kelulusan ujian nasional tingkat SMA dan sederajat tahun 2012 mencapai 99, 50 persen. Pengumuman kelulusan tiap siswa sendiri akan dilakukan serentak di seluruh Indonesia pada hari Sabtu 26 Mei 2012.
Dalam paparannya, Mendikbud, Mohammad Nuh menjelaskan, peserta UN SMA tahun ini mencapai 1.524.704 siswa. Akan tetapi karena berbagai hal, sedikitnya ada 7.345 siswa yang tidak mengikuti UN. Dari jumlah tersebut, kata dia, tercatat 1.517.125 (99,50 persen) siswa SMA dinyatakan lulus UN. Sedangkan 7.579 siswa SMA lainnya tidak lulus pada UN tahun ini.
"Data ini kami sampaikan agar segera dipublikasikan kepada masyarakat," kata Nuh, Kamis (24/5/2012), di gedung Kemdikbud, Jakarta.
Sumber : www.kompas.com


Congratulations to students who have graduated. I hope that the higher the graduation rate is consistent with the improvement of education quality and quality of this country of Indonesia. But pleasure can not be completely proud of because at the time of execution of the National Examination High School level or equivalent is found cheating that makes this country education smears. Among them is cheating?
• The examinee answers contek-cheating in the classroom
• There are students with other students ask each other during the exam.
• Supervisors who allow the examinees to commit fraud.
• An outstanding answer to the community.
Expected in the future is not above cheating, cheating is found again that the quality and the quality of education is getting better. Because somehow the quality of education will shape the next generation characteristics in the future so that this country can be developed.

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